Was Your Child Injured In An Animal Attack At A Friend's? Get Compensation From The Accident Fast

by Jonathan Phillips

It can be difficult to decide what to do if your child was hurt at a friend's house, and it was due to neglect of the property or the parents that were in charge. If your child was badly injured by a pet that lived at a residence they were playing at, and you had to take them for emergency care, the expenses shouldn't be on your shoulders.

The types of injuries and expenses will be factors in the case. You will want to schedule a consultation with an accident lawyer to discuss the events, what you want in return, and how to move forward. Here are the details you need for the case.

Play-by-Play of the Event

How the accident occurred is important. If the animal acted wildly, or unprovoked, and went after your child, then chances are that the homeowner is liable for the injuries. The lawyer will want your child's statement. It's important to get this documented right away since the event is fresh in their mind and more easily and accurately remembered.

Detailed List of Expenses

There may have been many expenses because of this attack beyond just the medical bills. Expenses to have copies of for your lawyer could include:

  • Ambulance bill
  • Wages missed at work taking care of your child
  • Medical treatment on the day of the accident
  • Future expenses and care needs
  • Mental health costs

Your lawyer needs to know if they have months of plastic surgery ahead, injuries that may not heal, and damages that are going to be permanent.

Unseeable Trauma

The visible injuries are easy to detail for the case, but there is a lot of unseeable trauma that should be addressed as well. Your child may suffer from PTSD, may have an extreme fear of animals after the incident, and may have a lot of mental anguish because of the event. The scars on their body may cause them stress. There are many problems you want to discuss with the lawyer that may get you more compensation.

If you have asked the pet owner if they want to pay for the expenses, or if they want to claim the incident on their homeowner's insurance policy, it's time to hire a lawyer. The lawyer should be able to put the case together and move forward with getting justice and compensation for your child after such a traumatic accident.

For more information, contact a local professional, like Todd East Attorney at Law.
