When To Hire A Work Injury Lawyer

by Jonathan Phillips

Unfortunately, people get hurt on the job all the time. This happens across many different industries. Many people are able to handle their work injuries without ever seeking legal representation, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider hiring a lawyer to help you with your own situation. These are just a few examples of times in which you should think about hiring a work injury lawyer.

You Feel Your Employer Was Negligent

Sometimes, work injuries happen because of simple accidents that are out of anyone's control. In fact, workplace injuries do still happen within businesses where safety is a top priority. If you feel that your employer doesn't take safety seriously, however, you should definitely seek legal representation. This can not only help you get the compensation that you deserve, but it could also encourage your employer to take action that could help prevent other employees from suffering from similar issues.

Your Employer Doesn't Have Workers' Compensation Insurance

In many places, employers are required to have workers' compensation insurance. This doesn't mean that all employers follow this rule, however. If your employer did not have workers' compensation insurance at the time that you were injured, you should definitely consider taking action by hiring a work injury lawyer to help you with your case.

You're Facing Long-Term Injuries

Many employers are prepared to deal with short-term, non-serious injuries among their employees. However, if you have faced a much more serious injury, you might be concerned that your employer will not handle your case properly. In fact, your employer or their insurance company might have paid for your short-term costs — such as a few doctor's visits and a limited amount of loss of income — but you might be worried about your future. If you have been seriously injured, you might have additional concerns. You might have lifelong medical bills related to your injury, for example, and you might even be worried that you will never be able to work again. If you are dealing with this type of situation, you will probably need to hire a work injury lawyer. They can help you ensure that you are being paid properly by your employer and their insurance company, and they may even help you with things like applying for disability. Realizing that you're facing long-term injuries because of an incident on the job can be terrifying and upsetting, but a lawyer should be able to help you make the best of the situation.
