What You Need To Know Before Seeking Payments For Back-Related Injuries Suffered At Work

by Jonathan Phillips

Back injuries are common in workplaces and can affect employees in different industries. These injuries are a significant threat and make it challenging to perform your tasks. Also, some back injuries may worsen if you don't seek timely medication. For instance, a simple strain can turn in into a persistent backache that won't let you perform your duties.

When this happens, you might require expensive treatment procedures to remedy the problem. In addition, you may not be able to return to your previous occupation, which may affect your earnings. Such consequences should encourage you to pursue compensation. This article provides the essential information you may need before seeking compensation for your injuries. 

Measures You Should Take After an Injury

You need to report your injury to your supervisor immediately when you have challenges performing certain tasks. It is advisable to file the report even if you are not certain about your injury. That is because symptoms may develop later, and it might be challenging to prove that your injury is work-related. After making a report, seek medical attention before your condition worsens. After visiting the hospital your employer recommends, ensure you seek a second opinion from your doctor.

When you speak with your physician, give them a detailed account of your problem. That includes when you first noticed the back injury and your symptoms. Then, tell them how your injury has made it challenging to perform certain tasks. Also, your doctor will undertake different tests and create a report of your condition. This will be one of the documents your attorney will require when pursuing compensation. 

Seeking Payments for Your Injury

After receiving treatment, schedule a consultation with a workers' comp lawyer. They will help you navigate the compensation process to get the payments you need as soon as possible. Your lawyer will pursue your payments through your employer's insurance company to ensure they pay for your medical care. They are also supposed to compensate you for your lost wage benefits for the period you will not be working. However, the insurance company may not be willing to offer you a fair settlement, especially if you need expensive treatments. In this case, your lawyer will litigate the case in court to enable you to get a payment covering all your losses.

Back injuries can be expensive to treat and may require months of recovery. Your employer's insurer is supposed to pay for your medical expenses and the salary you will lose as you recover. A workers' comp attorney can help you pursue your rightful benefits through the insurance company or court.

Contact a local workers' compensation lawyer to learn more. 
