Get The Right Lawyer When Pursuing A Truck Accident Case

by Jonathan Phillips

Getting hit by a large truck can turn your entire world upside down, especially if you suffer a significant injury as a result. You may be able to take legal action in this scenario in an attempt to be made whole again, but you should know that going up against a large trucking company in court is not easy. Most trucking companies will defend their drivers and the company's reputation with vigor. If you want to maximize your chances of success, you need to hire an attorney. But you don't just want to hire the first attorney you see. For best results, you need a seasoned truck accident lawyer or law firm on your side. Here are some tips to help ensure that you can find the right attorney for the job.

Make Sure You Can Meet in Person or By Video Call

Just about any lawyer can make themselves look good on their website or even over the phone. But to make sure you have the right person for the job, it can be an immense help to talk to your potential lawyer in person. Granted, this might not be possible while the coronavirus pandemic continues to go on, but most lawyers interested in picking up new clients will at least chat with you over a video app so they can ask questions (and allow you to ask questions) face to face.

Look for Experience Taking on Big Trucking Companies

Again, taking on a large trucking firm is not for the weak-willed. You will want a seasoned legal warrior on your side who is used to going toe to toe with the trucking companies. Look for a lawyer who can point to an established track record of success fighting cases similar to your own. Even a lawyer with an undefeated record might not be ideal if they don't have any history or knowledge when it comes to the trucking industry. The trucking industry has numerous rules and regulations that drivers and companies need to follow, and you want an attorney that will know how to pick through those laws in order to find a point of attack for your case.

Look for Both Negotiating and Trial Experience

Many personal injury attorneys attempt to push their clients towards a settlement simply because this is far less expensive than going to trial. But sometimes trucking companies are not willing to settle and will fight tooth and nail to defend their driver or their name. When hiring a truck accident lawyer, make sure they have trial experience in addition to experience at the negotiating table.

For more information, reach out to a local truck accident lawyer today.
