3 Things To Know About Personal Injury Cases

by Jonathan Phillips

In personal injury cases, damages are often awarded to cover the cost of medical bills, pain and suffering, and any damage to the harmed party's quality of life. Determining whether or not to file a personal injury case can be difficult, Here are three things to know when it comes to personal injury law.

Statute Of Limitations

The first thing that anyone who is considering filing a personal injury case should know is that there are statute of limitations for these types of cases. The statutes vary depending on the state and even by the type of injury. Statutes also start immediately after the injury. The statute of limitations for most personal injury claims ranges from as little as one year to as much as six years. Knowing what the statute of limitations is and filing before that has expired is essential for personal injury claims.

Lawsuit Versus Settlement

Another thing to know is that not all personal injury claims go to trial. Many of these cases are settled before a trial even begins. A settlement is where both parties agree to a certain amount of compensation for the injured's costs due to the accident or injury. Both parties then sign documents agreeing that no further legal action will be taken. If a settlement is not offered or agreed upon, then the claim can end up going to court. Personal injury trials can take a lot of time and money. However, they often lead to payouts that can help the injured improve their quality of life.

Cost Of The Case

Another thing to know before filing a personal injury claim is that it can be an expensive process. Personal injury lawyers often charge between $150 and $400 per hour for their services. Expert witness fees, filing fees, and administrative fees can also add up during a personal injury case. Some personal injury lawyers charge contingency fees instead of hourly rates. These fees range from 33 to 40 percent of the damages awarded. There are also contingency fees that apply in cases where there is a settlement. These costs should be considered carefully before making a personal injury claim.

A personal injury can change a person's life. Medical fees, lost work, and other factors can negatively impact the injured. Before filing a claim, it's important to know what the statute of limitations is, whether or not a lawsuit or a settlement is the best option, and how much a personal injury lawyer will cost. A lawyer from first like Kilgore Smith LLC can help you navigate all of these questions and more.  
