Six Ways You Know Your Divorce Attorney Rocks

by Jonathan Phillips

The search for a divorce attorney can be devastatingly difficult, especially if you are already coping with the loss of a relationship. If you are struggling to find a divorce attorney who you feel is trustworthy and dependable, you may consider these criteria to help you determine what kind of traits you are looking for. You'll know that you have found the right attorney when he or she meets these criteria.

1. Your attorney gives you a list of options to pursue.

If you are going through a divorce, you have several options to consider, including collaborative divorce, mediation, or litigation. Instead of telling you what you are going to do, your attorney should talk to you about your options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

2. Your attorney understands the complicated aspects of your financial situation.

Divorces that involve assets can become complicated. Your attorney should have a look at all marital and individual assets to ensure that he or she understands your financial situation and possibilities.

3. Your attorney tells you when he or she is not needed.

If your attorney looks over everything and says that without assets and children, there is nothing to do but sign papers, you may have found a good attorney. Good attorneys will let you know that litigation is not necessarily when this is the truth.

4. Your attorney is willing to work within your price range.

A high-priced attorney is great for those who have many assets to protect, but if you do not own very much, then you might not have as much to worry about. This means that you might be able to work with somebody who focuses on simpler scenarios like yours.

5. Other people have good things to say about your attorney.

When your attorney has a good reputation and positive reviews, you have likely found somebody who is going to strive to meet your needs. Divorce is difficult, and you want to work with somebody who has experience in this realm.

6. Your attorney specializes in family law.

Family lawyers who focus on divorce are the best choices for handling your issues. You do not need an estate or bankruptcy attorney or a criminal law defendant.

Sometimes you can make a decision based on what your gut is telling you to do. Finding the right divorce lawyer is a balance of using gut instinct and logic. You should never take a legal issue lightly. Look at a variety of firms, such as Bergermann Law Firm, as you try to find an attorney who is a good fit for you.
