Don't Go To Court Alone – Why Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer Is Important To Winning Your Case

by Jonathan Phillips

After a car accident, a trip or fall or even a medical procedure gone wrong, you feel you need to get compensation for your pain and suffering. You are entitled and have the right to file a claim in court against those who caused the accident or injuries. It is not a good idea, however, to go to court alone. It is important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer if you truly want to win your case. Here are just a few reasons why.

Personal Injury Law is Complicated

You might think that you have an open and shut case when it comes to a car accident or medical malpractice case. It is usually not that simple. Personal injury law can actually be pretty complicated, and those complications range from how many people are involved, to who is actually at fault. For example, if it's a multi-car accident, there are multiple insurance companies involved. It also must be determined who exactly is at fault for the accident and whether they are solely responsible for your injuries.

A personal injury lawyer knows how to approach insurance companies, and what to ask to get the information they need. They also know what to do if a driver is underinsured or not insured at all to win the lawsuit. In order to win a case in court, you need to know the nuances of the law.

Lawyer Reputation Matters

If you try to go it alone and approach an insurance company for compensation, including your own, you might find that your compensation might not be what you expect it to be. An experienced personal injury lawyer, such as those at Geoffrey S. Gulinson & Associates PC, with a track record of wins in the courtroom is more likely to get their attention, and get you a better out-of-court deal than you could get for yourself. An insurance company is more likely to settle with you for a fair and reasonable amount outside of court if you hire a personal injury lawyer who can get you a big verdict in court.

Contingency Fee

One of the main reasons you might think it's better to go it alone to court instead of hiring a personal injury lawyer is they might be out of your budget. This is usually not the case at all. Personal injury lawyers typically work on the contingency fee basis. This means you don't pay them upfront or even a retainer fee when you first hire them. Their pay comes out of the settlement they get for you. Your lawyer will only get paid if/when they win your case in court or get the other party to agree to a settlement.  
