3 Ways To Strengthen Your Injury Claim After A Car Accident

by Jonathan Phillips

Getting in a car accident is bad enough, but when you're seriously injured in an accident that you are not at fault for, it can make life very difficult for you. In addition to having to deal with getting your car repaired, you may also miss work, incur large medical bills, suffer through a rough recovery from your injuries, or even live with pain the rest of your life. You are entitled to a monetary settlement from the other driver's insurance company to compensate you when you're injured in an accident that is not your fault, but getting the settlement that you deserve is not always easy. Use the following tips to strengthen your personal injury claim:

Stay on Top Of Your Medical Care

Your medical records are an extremely important piece of evidence in a car accident injury claim, so make sure you stay on top of your medical care. Seek medical attention right away after an auto accident, and carefully follow your doctor's instructions for treatment. Do not miss any follow up appointments, and see specialists as needed for a serious injury. Not only will this help with your recovery, it will also create documented proof of your injuries provided by a physician. If you have visible injuries, such as bruises or abrasions, it is also a good idea to take photographs.

Hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you are serious about getting the settlement that you deserve, it is in your best interest to hire a personal injury lawyer who is experienced in taking car accident cases. Having legal counsel working on your behalf may prevent the other driver's insurance company from offering you a low-ball settlement. There is a good chance that a personal injury lawyer will be able to work with the insurance company to come to a settlement agreement, but if your case goes to trial having an attorney can make the whole process easier for you.

Get Documentation from Your Employer

Your settlement should also include compensation for lost wages. If you are seriously hurt in a car wreck, you may end up missing many days of work. Ask your employer to document the amount of work that you missed, and also include your hourly pay or weekly salary. You may also want to ask you employer to include any benefits that you missed out on due to your absence, such as a promotions, accrual of paid time off, or monetary bonuses.

For more information about this and other personal injury related questions, contact a professional like Hoffman, Hamer & Associates, PLLC.
