Those Drinks At Dinner Might Land You In Jail

by Jonathan Phillips

If you've ever been out to eat and had a few too many drinks, then you should take heed of the following information. Many people end up with a DUI after a night of moderate drinking. They don't set out to get drunk and drive, but they nevertheless end up with a court date. Why?

Well, there are a few reasons lets take a look at some of them.

People Handle The Same Amount Of Alcohol Differently

Maybe you've heard statistics that say a person can have X number of drinks and remain below the legal limit. Well, there are few problems with that.

The main one is that people process alcohol differently. A 250 pound man will be able to drink more than a 100 pound woman, normally, before getting intoxicated. The guidelines are based around an adult man of average build. So, a very petite woman or slim man is not going to be able to have the same number of drinks as "suggested".

What You Drink And What You Eat Is Important

If you're eating a big meal, say pasta or steak, and your drinking a few glasses of red wine, you will process the alcohol much better than if you're eating a small salad and drinking the same wine. You will have a more noticeable reaction if you drink on an empty or near empty stomach.

Another interesting thing to note is that some types of drinks get into the blood faster. Are you doing shots of whiskey while snacking on peanuts? Well, that whiskey is going to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. Likewise, carbonated drinks like beer tend to raise the blood alcohol level faster than flat beverages.

You Might Feel Fine, But That's Not A Defense

Many people feel fine while still being over the legal limit. This is the problem for many people. They wouldn't get behind the wheel is they were stumbling drunk, but you don't have to be wasted to be over the limit.

If you don't pass a breathalyzer, you can't argue that you "felt fine".

You might even be able to drive fine, but there are random checkpoints. If you are stopped and subjected to a sobriety test you might very well show signs of being intoxicated.

What Happens When You Get Caught?

Hopefully you will avoid drinking to excess, but if not, it is time to consult a DUI lawyer. You want to find one that specializes in dealing with DUI cases. There are issues such as a suspended license, vehicle forfeiture, and prison time, that you will need to address.
